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Human Resources:

Tsung-Yi Lin, Professor  & Director of Ancient Machinery Research Center
Office: K209-3; Phone: 886-6-2533131 ext. 3537
Email: tylin@mail.stust.edu.tw
Research Interests:
Mechanism and Machine Design, Design of Medical Assistive Device, History of Science and Technology

Deng-Maw Lu , Professor & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Office: K210-1, L207-3 ; Phone: 886-6-2533131 ext. 3539 or 1010
Email: dmlu@mail.stust.edu.tw
Research Interests:
Creative Mechanism Design, Mechanical Design, Nano-Technology, History of Science

Tzu-Yao Tai, Associate Professor & Director of Precision Machinery R&D Center
Office: K405-2; Phone: 886-6-2533131 Ext. 3559
Email: tytai@mail.stust.edu.tw
Research Interests:
Non-traditional Manufacturing, EDM and Micro-EDM techniques, Bionics, Microstructure Analysis of Materials, Mechanical Property Analysis of Materials

Cheng-Feng Yang, Associate Professor 
Office: K210-3; Phone: 886-6-2533131 Ext. 3540
Email: exchange@mail.stust.edu.tw
Research Interests:
Mechanical Materials, Synthetic Diamond

Chris-tine Cheng, Associate Professor 
Office: T0905; Phone: 886-6-2533131 Ext. 8105
Email: qa6@mail.stust.edu.tw
Research Interests:
Interactive multimedia design

Wen-chang Wu,Associate Professor
Office: 60327; Phone: 886-6-2533131 Ext. 6947
Email: wchang@mail.stust.edu.tw
Research Interests:
Mechanical Property Analysis of Materials